We’re delighted that our Stoneleigh Access for All project has received a gold award and top scoring site, in the Network Rail Southern region Capital Delivery Route to Gold initiative, for Period 8.
The project is one of many access for all projects that our One Team Wessex (OTW) are leading, which is the collaborative relationship between Network Rail and Octavius responsible for the delivery of infrastructure enhancements and renewals in the Wessex route to provide a reliable and modern railway for the travelling public.
About the project
The project is part of the Government Access for All Programme (AFA) which is aimed at providing an obstacle-free, accessible route to and between platforms. Particularly to support people with health conditions or impairments, people with children, heavy luggage or shopping and some older people.
The works at Stoneleigh involve installing three lifts that can each accommodate 16 people, three sets of stairs and a new covered footbridge which will replace the existing structure at the station. The new bridge will provide full access via lifts or stairs to the central platform from both sides of the station. The existing bridge structure will be removed, with the ticket office sited on the central island platform.
New lighting and security cameras will also be installed on and around the lifts and bridge.

During the excavation of the lift pits the site team were conscious of existing buried services within close proximity of the footprint. Having reviewed the risks the team decided that vacuum excavating was the best way forward rather than traditional machine excavating. This significantly mitigated the risks posed on site around buried services and potentially avoided any service strikes.
During the summer a member of the public collapsed outside our site compound. It is thanks to the site team that the gentleman survived. The site now has 2 defibs and bleed kits for unforeseen situations.
Most recently, utilised the strike action to obtain track access to enable the team to potentially better programme and deliver island platform pile cap works and island lift pit back blinding.
The team have a designated briefing room within the site set up where site stand downs, toolbox talks, inductions and works briefings are carried out – this really does help engage the teams and our suppliers and encourage some great conversations around the works.
David Meager
Construction Manager, Network Rail
Congratulations to everyone involved!