Sharing our successes

Shortlisted for Highways Heroes Awards

We’re delighted to share that many of our colleagues have been shortlisted for the National Highways Heroes’ Awards, which recognises the value and importance of those unsung heroes who work on the network everyday.

Whether it’s saving someone from danger or risk of injury, helping a member of the public to safety, or supporting a team member in the face of abuse, the Highways Heroes’ Awards recognise individuals who have coped admirably in the face of adversity. The awards also recognise those that have helped someone or improved a situation, either in the communities they work in or to unconditionally support fellow workers in their team.

Emilia Dawson, Graduate Engineer, Aron Frost, Assistant Site Manager and Daniel Lancley, General Foreman have all been shortlisted for the awards and will receive a personal invitation to attend the gala evening which will take place on 30th November 2023.

Emilia and Aron were both nominated for dealing with a potentially life-threatening situation safely and quickly, when a fire broke out in a bin storage attached to a property close to our Trowbridge site. They quickly alerted the homeowner, used a fire extinguisher to keep the fire under control until the fire brigade arrived, averting any severe damage. Daniel was nominated for kindly helping passengers in a vehicle who had broken down in a layby arrive in Lydden. Upon noticing the vehicle on the road Dan stopped in the layby, offered to drive the passengers to their home nearby so they could collect their second car, which saved them waiting several hours on the road for the recovery to arrive.

Congratulations all and good luck for the awards night!

Left to right: Aaron Frost, Assistant Site Manager, Daniel Lancey, General Foreman, R&W and Emilia Dawson, Graduate Engineer.

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