Sharing our successes

Helping to make the highways healthier 

A huge congratulations to our Supervisors Sean Broughan and Greg Kneller who are members of our M25 team, for being recognised in the One Community Healthier Highways awards; which is the partnership between Connect Plus and all its supply chain partners.

Healthier Highways is an initiative working with Steve Perkins Associates, aiming to make workplaces heathier and share awareness of health issues in the construction industry.

Greg receives his certificate and £50 voucher from Chris Hudson, Highways Director  

Sean receives his certificate and £50 voucher from Nick Howard, M25 Framework Manager

Greg recognised excessive dust being generated by planing activities at Sipson Lane during testing, investigation and monitoring works for waterproofing. To prevent workers being exposed to dust he took the action to increase water flow to the planer spray nozzles and decrease flow in the conveyor belt speed. Both of these actions helped improve the control of dust exposure.

At the Dartford Depot operatives had nowhere to empty the toilet cartridge apart from bringing it into the office and putting contents down the toilet or lifting the manhole cover around the back. To prevent the need to manually handle which could lead to musculoskeletal disorders, Sean installed an emptying point on the waste pipe at the back of the office so all they need to do now is unscrew the cap and empty the cartridge. 

Thank you Greg and Sean for stopping, thinking and helping to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Your stories

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