Welcome to STOPThink!

We are creating a ‘generative’ business culture through a coaching based programme to influence positive changes in behaviours. This cultural development programme named STOPThink! incorporates practical engagement at all levels of influence in Octavius and in our customer and supplier organisations to deliver performance improvement and achieve zero harm.

Over 2000 people have benefitted through their engagement with our programme, which aims to help people Think Differently, Make Better Decisions and Change Lives. 

Welcome to the latest edition of STOPThink! which I hope you can take some time out to read through and reflect. It is amazing that half this year has already passed and we are now in the summer months. Please pay specific attention to the article on sun, skin and hydration contained in this edition for when the sun finally arrives as it is important that we all look after ourselves.

Last week was Rail Safety Week, and whether you work in rail or not I hope you took some time to engage with some of the activities we undertook that focussed on raising the profile of health, safety and wellbeing on our projects. These activities ranged from hazard spotting exercises on projects, completion of aligned leadership tours, through to a focus on the identification and raising of improvement opportunities. We also undertook business wide briefings on a number of our STOPThink! Fundamentals with focussed sessions on our projects.

As part of Rail Safety Week we also held a Rail leadership session where we looked into our how we can continue to deliver an increased safety performance, centred around Leadership, People and Process. By taking time out to focus on all aspects of safety, health and wellbeing it was amazing the ideas we generated (and will put into practice) – this is the essence of STOPThink! It reiterated the importance of just pausing and taking time to consider how we can be safer and more efficient; a valuable lesson for us all in these busy times!

I hope you enjoy this edition and I wish you a safe and productive month.

Matt Smith

Managing Director, Rail

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Looking after
our planet

What good
feels like

Sharing our

Learning and Sharing

Looking after yourself
and each other



What good
looks like


STOPThink! Cascade

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Your stories

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